Tuesday, March 11, 2014

how to deal with jokes and sayings that aren't funny and getting old

Ever heard of the term "Ongoing Gags"? Yes? No? We'll I'll tell you anyways.. Ongoing gags are jokes that people say over and over that are getting old or they're not even funny. 

One joke that has been ongoing now that I have heard many times is " Your mom". Before when people first started saying it, it was funny. Now, people just say it every-time someone asks them a question. And sometimes ( depending on the question you ask ) it's really gross. 

Ex: One day I asked one of my friends ( who was a boy and still said this saying A LOT ) " What are we doing in class today?" 
he replies " your mom". 

Now if people say this once in a while what I would do is just ignore it because they may be just trying to remember the past or maybe the saying just popped up into there head and they felt like saying it. 

But, if people are saying it repeatedly after every question you ask them or if someone says it constantly just to annoy you. I would politely say " Please stop ". And if that doesn't work just ignore it. But if it keeps occurring and affecting your studies in school or getting you distracted then I would go to my teacher or the guidance counselor and bring it up. 

If a ongoing joke or saying effects you in a negative way I suggest you think out of the box of a possible way to not be so frustrated or distracted by the things people are saying before you say something that may hurt that person or group of people and then you get into trouble. 

If its one of your friends saying a ongoing joke or saying I would go to them and have a chat with them and tell them that there joke or saying isn't as funny as they think it is and maybe give them reasons why they should stop such as, it's distracting your concentration or it's putting your education at risk. 

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